extracting multiple emission color from a single pointclolud

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extracting multiple emission color from a single pointclolud

Post by Maximus » 17 Feb 2023, 10:16

hey guys i think im lost on a stupid thing here ehehe

i have a pointcloud with 2 emit from geometry nodes that create a sphere shape particle that collide with a box shape particle.
from the render tree the only way i know to set colors is deriving them from the ice tree, so i use the color_attribute plugged to the base color of the shader
the thing is i have the two different color i assigned in ICE, but i want them to have a different material each, for example the blue color sphere should be a glass material and the green cube shape shuld be a plastic material

How do i split/assign a single shader for each emit particle?


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Re: extracting multiple emission color from a single pointclolud

Post by onion » 05 Mar 2023, 20:33

Could a custom ICE attribute work here (set data with an integer into each "on emit" execute port into the two "Emit from Geometrys")?

To read the data some shader probably exists depending on the renderer that you can use to switch between two other shaders in the same render tree.

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