softimage interaction mode?

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softimage interaction mode?

Post by rpmaguire » 05 Mar 2014, 21:01

Not happy about softimage being discontinued...

Will 3ds max or Maya have a softimage interaction mode? for the hotkeys...
I know mudbox 2013 does...
This would sure make a transition like this much easier.

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Re: softimage interaction mode?

Post by luceric » 05 Mar 2014, 21:55

This is being discussed for Maya, but recommendation to the team is to not do that. I think holding on to softimage hotkeys in any other application will just lead to more frustration with the training with other hotkeys "not working right". For example, you might still have to use ALT key in some places or with some tools that aren't expecting navigation to be on another key. Or maybe you hid an important function : X and C are for snapping.

In my opinion you should try to "learn the software proper". Atl and qwert and S is not a big deal to adapt to and "s" is certainly not the same thing as XSI's "K". To become proficient, you should also learn that there are marking menus beneath those keys. However, there might be some interesting things to offer as a built-in feature or in a bonus tool, for example ctrl+D for extrude, which a former XSI QA has been brining up recently.

There is interest in the 3DSMax team to have Maya camera manipulation, and it already supports QWERTY. Pretty much every app supports Maya navigation these days.

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Re: softimage interaction mode?

Post by origin » 05 Mar 2014, 22:36

As im learning maya now I would love to have S key navigation.
My fingers rests on ASD and thumb on spacebar, so S is more natural for me.
If the nav key is the most used key ever, that means I need to either bend the thumb to unnatural position or move hand away from ASDQWE (time waste when using shortcuts) ;)
And this comes from guy who uses max everyday for 12 years now :p

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Re: softimage interaction mode?

Post by Nox » 06 Mar 2014, 00:32

For Max you could use autohotkey.

1. Install autohotkey.
2. Copy&paste code below to new *.ahk file (simple text file).
3. Right click -> Compile Script, now you have standalone app.
3. In Max you must remove all hotkeys assigned to S key. In every subsection.
4. Keep your complied app running when you need S navigation (works in every version of Max).

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Recommended for catching common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

~vk53 & RButton::
SendInput {Blind}{Alt down}{MButton down}
KeyWait RButton
SendInput {Blind}{Alt up}{MButton up}

~vk53 & LButton::
SendInput {Blind}{MButton down}
KeyWait LButton
SendInput {Blind}{MButton up}

Bravlin Pechatnik
Posts: 19
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Re: softimage interaction mode?

Post by Bravlin Pechatnik » 12 May 2014, 09:21

a couple of tricks to help with maya interaction.

first of all sticky keys by Iconoklast (Jonathan) 2005

second is autohotkey scripts
mmb - move\scale\etc on single-axis
shift+mmb - free move\scale\etc
cltr+shift+lmb - only deselection.

Code: Select all

#IfWinActive, ahk_class QWidget

Shift & MButton::
SendInput {MButton down}
KeyWait MButton
SendInput {MButton up}

SendInput {Blind}{Shift down}{MButton down}
KeyWait MButton
SendInput {Blind}{Shift up}{MButton up}

SendInput {Ctrl down}{LButton down}
KeyWait LButton
SendInput {Ctrl up}{LButton up}

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