Triggering rigid body collisions with states?

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Triggering rigid body collisions with states?

Post by sirdavid32 » 27 Jan 2015, 17:20

Hello. I´ve been breaking my head around the following problem: I would like to animate several robots (with the same topology except different color textures) with the new crowd tools on softimage.
An horde of robots walks against another horde. Then they find each other, activate a behaviour, hit each other, then the pieces of the robots just "collide" against their fists, breaking the opponent.
Say a robot finds another, activate collision detection, triggers a crowd state (hit head) and then the other robot gets hit in the head and the head behaves as a rigid body collision, thus inheriting the punch´s velocity and flights off the body accordingly.

The problems here are:
* Crowd compounds require your mesh to be as light in polygons and single mesh to point cache them, so simulation can run accordingly
(so then how to "instantiate" a robot breaking into pieces recieving Opponent´s robot fist velocity to add and break their mesh by piece?)

* Simulating rigid bodies until collision will be a heavy evaluation on a crowd

* States for breaking the robots should happen as entire pieces (not shattering) but breaking specific pieces (like arms, head, torso) only.

Could anyone help me get started on this, please?

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